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What's New Changelog

New features: Integration of the DataGuard module with MS Active Directory – managing access rights assigned to users

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

Fixes: Table column sorting fix; Port mapper SNMP table data read fix

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

Fixes: Imroved application usage report; Improved SNMP data read in port mapper

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

New features: new report segment presenting audited custom files of remote workstations

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

New features: HelpDesk module integrated with Active Directory; Enhancements: enhanced the stability and performance of the PortMapper function

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

New features: Administrative and Billing component (i.e. Fixed Assets) in the Inventory module: IT assets register database, integrated with information on software and hardware from the Agents:

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

Enhancements: status of a device in WAN or behind firewall/NAT and with enabled “Permanent connection with nVision” option is based on the connection status instead of TCP service monitoring status

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

Enhancements: reading information with SNMP v3 from CISCO devices was improved

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

New features: user can force the offline Inventory Scanner to scan network drives by means of “/network” parameter given during start-up

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

Enhancements: a search box added to the ”Choose host” dialog box

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

New features: „Change on a switch’s port” event can be configured to occur only for new MAC addresses

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

Enhancements: if OriginalFileName field is missing, the Agent reads information from file’s InternalName field

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

Enhancements: limiting the amount of sent data in Agent choice of report category added in the report definition dialog box

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

New features: serial numbers (license keys) for Windows / Office / Visual Studio / Microsoft SQL Server loaded together with the application list;

/ Jacek Dąbrowski
What's New Changelog

New features: a column with Agent’s GUID number added to the nodes index view

/ Jacek Dąbrowski

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