Action types

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There are several general groups of actions. The following list describes them:



Desktop notification

Desktop alert

A small information box will show at the defined position. This box does not steal the focus and it does not disturb you in your current task.


nVision will play a defined sound.


This allows alert information to be read by the computer speech synthesis engine.

Send message


An e-mail with alert information will be sent (you can enter multiple addresses separated by semicolon (“;”)).


An ICQ message with alert information will be sent.


This action sends an SMS message via an attached GSM phone or modem.

SysLog Message

The SysLog message will be sent to the specified SysLog server.

Program or script

Run program locally

With this option you can run any program on the local machine, for example to take some corrective action.

Run program remotely

With this option you can run any program on a remote machine, for example to take some corrective action.


Write to file

The alert information can be written to the file.

Send SNMP Trap

Sending of SNMP Trap message.

Send Wake On LAN packet

Sending of the packet turning on/waking up the selected device.


Start/Stop Windows service

It controls the service on the remote Windows workstation.

Shutdown/restart computer

This action allows you to shutdown or restart the remote Windows workstation.

Add entry to Windows Event Log

Creates an entry to Windows Event Log on a local or remote machine with Windows system.