Launching Anonymous Tickets

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The add anonymous ticket feature in the HelpDesk is not enabled permanently - depending on the rules applicable within the specific organization or institution, it may either be enabled or disabled.

The anonymous ticket settings can only be configured by the user with the Administrator role in the Ticket system (HelpDesk).


To enable the Anonymous ticket feature, log in to the HelpDesk module as the Administrator and:

1. In the flyout menu on the left side of the window, click the Settings.

2. Enter the whistleblower settings - Whistleblowers.

3. Click the slider.


Once you have properly completed the steps above, a message will appear in the upper right corner of the window confirming that the creation of anonymous tickets has been enabled and on the left side of the footer a link which has not been visible so far will appear, i.e. Anonymous ticket.


You can disable the anonymous ticket creation feature at any time. To do this, click the slider again (if anonymous tickets are enabled). After clicking, a message confirming that the creation of anonymous tickets has been disabled and the Anonymous ticket link on the left side of the footer will disappear - creation of new anonymous tickets will not be possible from now on.