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To display the list of applications, select the Assets tab visible in the main program window, and then scroll down for Applications in the Software section:



The displayed list contains applications that:

have been detected on the host with installed Agent and have been assigned to the embedded application patterns,

have been manually added by the Administrator,

were detected on the host with the installed Agent through a system registry scan and a pattern was created for them.


Patterns based on which application installations are detected are described in detail in the App template chapter.


Applications on the selected host

Going to the Device Information window and then to the Software / Installations tab you can see the list of applications installed on the selected host:



Application properties

To go to the application properties, double-click on the item in the list or click the Properties button above the list:



Properties window will be opened. The individual elements shown here are described in the following chapters.

An important parameter of the application is the "Audited" field - if the application is audited, it is possible to assign a license to it.