Asset detection

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The Asset Detection tab allows to specify what resources will be automatically created based on the data collected by the Agent.


Automatic asset adding

Go to Asset Settings window, then open the Asset Detection tab. Here you can specify automatic detection only for the types of assets visible in the list in this window. Positions in this list cannot be edited:



By default, "Computer" and "Display" assets are automatically detected. To enable automatic detection for the selected type simply switch the button in the discover column by the selected position.

Automatic asset removal

For automatic asset removal simply click the switch placed at the bottom of the asset discovery tab:



If the automatically detected resource becomes invisible to the Agent, then:

if the switch is on, then asset remains unchanged. It is default setting for new nVision installations.

if the switch is off, then asset will be removed provided it has not been edited by Administrator.


Removing device(host) does not remove the assets which have been automatically created by Agent if the switch was off.