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In nVision 11.5 the phrase of a 'fixed asset' has been replaced by the phrase of a 'asset'. Anything that Administrator would like to catalogue can be called 'asset'. Example of asets may include: printers, computers, IP phones, and all types of equipment or licenses that have been purchased by the organization.

The asset properties window has been includes several tabs






User Access.


The following items will be visible in the General tab:

Basic information

Name - name assigned to the asset,

Asset type - information about asset type. Configuration of types is described in asset types chapter,

Belongs to ... - a branch or device associated with the asset,

Responsible person - nVision user assigned to the asset,

Status - current status of the asset is marked with color. The status can be changed manually or by adding a change action. More information about statuses can be found in asset status chapter

Inventory number,

Serial number,



Additional fields

Global fields - a field available in each type of asset. See global fields chapter for more information

Additional fields - a field available only in the selected asset type, defined at the moment of creating or editing the type. For more information see asset types chapter



Information about the assets that user can use will also be displayed in the user information window. More information available in user assets chapter.