Database size

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As an effect of collecting a large amount of data in the monitored networks, the database size can grow rapidly. This chapter explains how to counteract the excessive database growth.

Database size management can be performed by means of:

Setting a time for the deletion of outdated data


Windows event log monitoring options

Database repairing

Setting the outdated data removal interval

To set the time after which the outdated data will be removed, use the cleaning option (Options / Maintenance). Data cleaning is performed once a day during the night.

Decreasing the time after which the outdated data are removed does not reduce the database size, but will stop its growth at a certain level. This is because the outdated data are not deleted from the database, but overwritten with the newly arriving data.

Screenshots are the main reason of the huge size of nVision’s database. Because of that fact, during turning of this functionality in the Host info / User activity / Screenshots window, administrator has to point out a date when collecting them will be stopped.



Windows Event Log monitoring options

The large growth of the database is most often the result of collecting data on user logons (Windows Event Log). If the monitoring of Windows Event Log does not need to be collected, toggle the respective field in the device Properties, the Monitoring tab. If the data should be collected, set the appropriate monitoring interval and check whether the logon entries ignore option is enabled in the configuration (enabled by default). This setting allows unnecessary entries to be filtered (approx. 99% of all entries).