Event types

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There are several general groups of events. The following list describes them:



Host and service availability

Host down

None of the host services is responding.

Service down

The host service (HTTP, FTP etc.) is not responding.

Service performance

Raised when a service experience unusual slow down or too many request/packets is lost.

Interface down

Generated when any interface changes its status to down.

Host status change

Can be generated for any host status change, even when a host changes a status from “Down” to “Up”.

New host found

The event will be generated when the new host is found and added to the map.

Specific service test

Web page load

With this event you can test your web page load time.

Web page content change rate

Allows preventing accidental changes to your web page content (i.e. changed by hackers).

POP3 login time

Raised when there is a problem logging to the mail server.

Send mail time

Checks for any problems while sending an e-mail message.


SNMP threshold

You can check for a specific counter value. An event can be generated when this value rises too high (over a defined threshold) and when it falls too low.

Windows threshold

As above, for Windows system and Windows application counters. Allows monitoring health of programs like SQL Server or Exchange Server.


New entry in Windows Event Log

Event informing about the occurrence of a new Windows Event Log entry. Entries can be filtered.

Windows service status change

Raised whenever the nVision discovers any changes to the windows service status. You can use it to monitor important services on remote machines and restart them in case of any problems.


System information change

Notifies about changes in startup commands, network shares, and S.M.A.R.T. status.

Software inventory change

Notifies about any program installation/uninstallation.

Hardware inventory change

Notifies about any hardware changes on all computers, where the inventory is being collected.


User visited domains from selected group

Generates the event when user visits specified domains.

User printed pages over the limit

Generates the event when user prints more than x pages (daily).

User used bandwidth over the limit

Generates the event when user downloads or uploads more than x MB (daily).


Time schedule

Generates the event within specified schedule (on specific days of week at specific time).

Agent status

Generates the event if Agent is not connected more than x days.

SNMP trap

Event informing about the received SNMP Trap message.

SysLog Message

Event informing about the received SysLog Message.

Change on switch ports

The event is generated if a device is connected, disconnected or its port has changed.


Mobile device connected or disconnected

The event is generated if a device is connected or disconnected. You can define device types to be taken into account.

File operation on mobile device

Generates an event when following file operations are detected on a mobile device: file created, file deleted, file renamed, file written to existing file. You can specify additional conditions for the event (file mask).