SLA violation reports

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SLA violation reports display the tickets with a violated SLA metric. The purpose of this group of reports is to investigate the incidents of service level agreement breaches.


Reported data

The report contains one line per ticket with a violated SLA metric.

The report does not show tickets with invalidated metrics (even if the metrics had been violated). The report does not show tickets deleted by the administrator.

SLA violation is the time running from the moment of violation (if a metric was exceeded by one hour, the violation time is one hour). Pertains only to the period when the metric was active.

If the violated metric has not been completed yet or the ticket has not been closed yet, the cell displays an empty value.

The report does not perform any aggregation operations and does not include any visual representation.

If no ticket shows an SLA violation in the specified time range, the interface displays “No tickets with violated SLA metric” message instead of the table. Such a report cannot be exported.