How to create Web Access user accounts?

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It is possible to add multiple users who will have access to selected functionalities of nVision. To make this possible, their accounts should be properly configured. Please notice that the Web Access is read-only, so no changes to nVision can be made through it.

Web Access is enabled automatically for users of the Administrator type and may be enabled for users of the HelpDesk type. It is not possible for other user types to have Web Access.

Administrator users

Users of the Administrator type have access to all maps and devices, and also to reports, audit and access log.

HelpDesk users

The access rights to specific maps are defined for the HelpDesk user accounts:

If the given map has no defined right, a default right is set for the given map.

Users do not have access to audit, reports and the event log (the latter is visible only in device details, the global event log is not visible). The above-mentioned options are hidden for the users.

The map for which the user has no “Map View” access right is not displayed in the atlas tree.

Access rights

Access rights

Required rights


Map View


Displaying the given map in the atlas tree. Allows all devices with the given map to be seen.

Host Info

Map View

Access to all device details (services, counter, user activity, inventory, etc.).

Remote access


Ability to get remote access (VNC) to the devices from the given map.

Assign tickets

To create the Web Access user account:

1.For a new user: create a new HelpDesk user account. Click the Users button and press the 08_img3 Add button; give the user name, the role (Help-Desk) and the password. Go to number 3.

2.For an existing user: click the Users button, and then right click the selected account and select the User info option.

3.In the Access rights tab, you can edit default rights and add rights for selected departments and maps.


To learn more about user accounts, see section User management.