User information screen

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After selection of user from the list, you can navigate to the user information screen.


This program area provides basic information about the selected person. The following account attributes can be identified:

User – the name under which the user can log in to the nVision console and to the HelpDesk module,

Full name,

E-mail address,

Desk (and mobile) phone number,

Role – user roles are described in chapter Types of user roles.


Group membership – allows to view the groups which the selected user is a member of,

Superior – user that is higher in the hierarchy than the currently selected person. A person who has subordinates will have access to the activity data for each of their subordinates in the SmartTime module,

Attachments – additional attachments related to the selected user.

In addition, the user information screen provides information about user rights in various areas of the program. For accounts created in nVision, you may modify all the above-mentioned attributes.