Whistleblower Protection - introduction

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As of 17 December 2021, in accordance with Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 23 October 2019, the vast majority of companies and institutions will have to provide protection to their whistleblowers, i.e. individuals who, without any legal consequence, identify any irregularities that occur in the organization or establishment and report them using special procedures. These persons must be provided with confidentiality and personal data protection. Therefore, one of the new features in Axence nVision® version 13 is the system for creating and processing anonymous tickets which meets the requirements of the above-mentioned directive.

NOTE! For anonymous tickets to work properly, you must correctly configure the HelpDesk in nVision®, as described further in this manual.




The anonymous ticket setting panel - including, for instance, the legal materials to help implement appropriate procedures within your organization - can be found in the Settings > Whistleblowers section in the HelpDesk. The initial settings are available in two different configurations, depending on whether nVision has been previously used and updated to the latest version 13 or it is a new installation.


hmtoggle_plus1 Current installations (update from an older version of nVision®)

hmtoggle_plus1 New nVision® installations