Asset creation and modification

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Assets in nVision can be created automatically using data from the Agent or manually. The configuration and removal of automatic asset detection is described in the chapter asset autodetection.


Adding new asset

To add a new asset, go to the Assets tab accessible from the main program window. To add a new asset, select the Add option from the toolbar above the assets table or select Add from the context menu. The window for adding a new resource will open:



The next steps include completing the individual fields that specify assets properties. The available fields are explained in the asset properties chapter.


Asset modification

To change the asset properties, go to the Assets tab available from the main program window. Find the asset on the list, go to the properties window, select appropriate button or double-clicking on the selected item. The asset editing window will open:




Available modifications and explanations are described in the asset properties chapter.


Asset removal

To remove a resource, go to the Assets tab available from the main program window. Find the asset in the list, click the Delete button or select the option from the context menu.