Agent data reset

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In order to solve certain problems with some missing monitoring data (e.g. gaps in User activity or outdated inventory data), it might be necessary to restart the Agent data.

This will result in the resending of the missing data if they are available in the Agent’s database.



For this purpose, perform the following steps in the Host Info window:

1.Click the “i” icon in the upper part of the Host Info window.

2.In the Actions section, select Reset host data.

3.In the Reset Agent data dialog box mark the selected data types which should be reset. Click the Reset data button.

Note: Checking the Force Agent on this host to reset all its data and collect it once again option will delete the data collected by the Agent from its database and from nVision database, and will restart the data collection from the moment of resetting. This option should be used only in the case of resetting hardware and software inventory data.