Application categories

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The Administrator has the option of assigning the application to categories that can be created and edited if need to. The categories allow to create your own way of organizing applications displayed in the program. Initially, the program contains only one "Default" category.


Creating new category

To create a new category, click the Application categories button on the main toolbar of the program. A list of categories will appear:



To create a new category, click the Add button and enter the name of the new category. While creating a category, you can specify a default category. This means that for newly detected applications, the selected category will be used as the default. A maximum of one category can be specified as default.



Removing category

To delete a category, go to the Application Categories window from the main toolbar, select the category on the list and click Delete. All applications that were in this category will be moved to the default category.


Assigning application to category

To assign an application to a category, select the appropriate item when creating or editing the application:



Category use case

Categories can support other administrative activities eg. present applications belonging to the selected category. Such information can be displayed in the Assets tab available from the main program window:
