“Report a problem” function

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Axence nVision® 10 offers simplified problem reporting, available by using the Axence nVision / Report a problem option in the menu bar. The purpose of the function is provide the Administrator with an easy way to report any observed issues or faults in the software operation.

In order for the function to work, the machine needs to have an active connection with the installed Axence nVision® Server with the Internet.


To report a problem:

1.Click the About nVision page in the menu bar and then the Report a problem link.

2.In the new Report a problem dialog box, fill in a brief form:



3.Checking the I agree to attach the compressed “Logs” folder from Axence nVision® installation path field will add an attachment with a cleaned and compressed (2MB) archive of the nVision Server log folder (by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Axence\nVision\Logs). Sending the software runtime logs facilitates the problem analysis and shortens the report processing time.

4.When the Report a problem button is clicked, the message is sent to: pomoc@axence.net.
The first response from a Technical Support Employee is sent within a few hours and not later than on the next working day (in the case of problems requiring a thorough log analysis, the time can be longer).

The administrator can check the ticket status by logging into https://service.axence.net/hc/en-us/requests portal with the e-mail address given in the Report a problem form. The link for the password setup is sent automatically to the specified e-mail address after the ticket is created. The password can also be reset manually with use of the form available at: https://axence.zendesk.com/auth/v2/login/password_reset.