Integration with TCP/IP stack

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Monitoring e-mails and blocking websites is only possible for machines with the installed Agent and enabled integration with the TCP/IP stack. To learn more on Agent installation, see the Installing and uninstalling Agents section.

The following protocols are supported at the moment: HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP:25, SMTP:587, SMTP via SSL, POP3 via SSL and POP3:110. The following protocols are not supported at the moment: IMAP, MAPI.

Enable integration with TCP/IP stack

If the Agent is installed, the reason for the problems with monitoring e-mails and blocking websites may be a disabled integration with the TCP/IP stack. By default, this integration is disabled due to the necessity of earlier tests, mostly in the scope of cooperation with anti-virus software. To enable TCP/IP stack integration:

1.Select the Managing Agent profiles option in the menu bar (in the Tools and options page).

2.Create a new profile or select the profile used by Agents, and then click the 05_img21 Edit profile button.

3.In the profile configuration, check the Turn on TCP/IP stack integration option in the Compatibility tab.



4.On the tested computers, add all contents of the directory c:\Program Files\Axence\nVision Agent 2\ including subfolders to the exception list of anti-virus software.

5.Restart the computers.

6.If no negative symptoms, e.g. network loss, occur during the next few system restarts, it means that TCP/IP stack integration can be toggled on for the remaining machines.