Defining counter properties

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This topic describes properties of different counter types from the Counters group.

Windows threshold




The name that will be displayed on the list.


The counter to be monitored. To choose the counter, click the 03_img15 icon and select the appropriate class, counter and instance. You may need to setup credentials first so nVision could connect with the remote host and read the counter list.

Monitoring interval

After selecting Auto, nVision will control the monitoring interval to ensure frequent polls (based on the number of monitored hosts). If you want to set this to any specific value, then select Set and enter this value in the edit box.


nVision will try to login to the remote host using the credentials defined in host properties.

Windows counters are not monitored if the host is <Down>.


SNMP threshold




The name that will be displayed on the list.

Choose SNMP counter

The counter to be monitored. To choose the counter, click the 03_img15 icon and select the appropriate SNMP counter. It is possible to read the whole table column and log min/max/avg/sum of its cell values.

You may need to setup the SNMP read community first so nVision could connect with the remote host and read the counter list.

Enter SNMP counter OID

The counter to be monitored. When entering OID manually, you are responsible to provide a correct value. If this OID is not valid then the counter will not read any value.


The program will store the value that has been read.

Average per second, unit

Based on the consecutive counter values, nVision will calculate the rate per second and store this value. This is a good option if you monitor the number of bytes sent/received and you want to monitor bandwidth usage. You can also select the units in which this value will be stored.

Monitoring interval

After selecting Auto, nVision will control the monitoring interval to ensure frequent polls (based on the number of monitored hosts). If you want to set this to any specific value, then select Set and enter this value in the edit box.


nVision will try to login to the remote host using the credentials defined in host properties.

Windows counters are not monitored if the host is <Down>.