Defining styles

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This topic describes the properties of different style types. For information about creating, editing and removing styles, refer to the Managing styles topic.

Host visualization style

With host visualization style you define how the host is presented on the map. Here is the list of this style properties with the description.




Name of the style.

When changing state blink for

The duration of icon blinking after a host status change. Blinking helps to easily locate the hosts that changed status.

Icon Caption

Defines the text of the icon caption.

Transparent caption

The icon caption will be transparent if this option is checked.

Host and services down time

If checked then in case of host down you will see the duration of down time.

If the host is up, but some services are not responding, you will see the information about down services with the duration of down time.

Leading service response time

This property defines if the specific service last response time should be shown in the icon.

SNMP manageability

If the host is SNMP manageable the 04_img14 icon will be shown at the bottom-right side.

Alert warning

If the host has unacknowledged alerts, the 04_img15 icon along with the number of open alerts will be shown at the right side.

Agent installed

If the Agent is installed on the host, the 04_img16 icon will be shown at the right side.

Shape style

Shape style fully defines the appearance of the shape (background map object): frame, colors, etc.



Style name

Name of the style.

Shape type

Type of the shape. Currently there are 4 types available: rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse and star.

Font name

The font name of the shape caption.

Font color and size

Color and size of the caption font.


Solid shape background is painted with the selected color.

Gradient paints gradient background with the defined colors and direction.


Color – frame color.

Size - width of the frame.


Defines transparency of the shape.


Defines the size of the shadow.

Line style

Line style defines graphical properties of links between icons.



Style name

Name of the style.


Width of the link line.


Line color.


Simple – straight line.

Polyline – broken line.

Font name

Name of the font.

Font size and color

Size and color of the font.

Show caption on line

If marked, caption is shown on the line.