Activating/deactivating an automation

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The created automations can be toggled off (deactivated) for a time when they should not be applied for trouble ticket processing, e.g. when the employee is on holiday. There is no need to remove the automation rule completely.


To deactivate (or activate) an automation:

1.Log in to the HelpDesk interface.

2.In the main navigation, on the left-hand side of the interface, select Automations.

3.In the automation list select the one to be edited.

4.In the automation’s context menu (upper right corner of the tile) click the Deactivate link (or Activate, if the automation is already disabled).

5.Confirm the action in the dialog box by clicking the Deactivate (Activate) button.


The automation rule can also be toggled on or off by changing the automation status during editing.