HTTPS access

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An up-to-date certificate issued for the domain, where the HelpDesk is available, is a necessary prerequisite.

The certificate must include a private key:


The certificate must be installed in the personal certificate store of the server where Axence nVision® is installed (System Certificate Store / Local Machine / Personal). A certificate installed in the user store cannot be used to configure encrypted access to the HelpDesk.


How to install a certificate



To configure secure access to the HelpDesk, navigate to nVision and remote access settings in the menu: Tools / Options / Remote web access.
In the HelpDesk section, use the Encryption list to select the certificates installed on the server:


After the certificate has been specified, the URL address of the HelpDesk will be automatically changed to https://FQDN:port – you have to configure FQDN to suit it to the actual DNS name (for which the certificate was issued) – preferably then copy the URL and see if it opens in the browser. If the test pass with success, then you can accept the Options window by clicking [OK] button and the URL will be sent to Agents.