Setting-up alert for performance counter

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This topic describes how to setup an alert to be triggered when a performance counter value goes out of range. For example, let’s assume you would like to create an alert, which will notify you when a mail queue on any of your MS Exchange servers is too big. You will need such a counter on every host running Exchange server and the event defined to trigger an alert. nVision provides a tool to easily define an alert and automatically create the necessary counters on each host running MS Exchange.

1.Click the Alerts icon located on the Main page ribbon to open the alerts window.

2.Click the Add alert icon located on the main toolbar to create a new alert.
The alert properties window will open. With this window you will create an event that will trigger the alert and add actions to be executed when the alert is raised.

3.Click the New button located on the right side of the event combo box. This will allow you to create an event.
For counters you should select one of the Specific service tests or Counters event type. Create an event according to the information in the Event properties topic.

4.Click the add icon and define the action to be executed when an alert is raised. You can select any existing action or also create a new action. To create a new action, click the New button located on the right side of the action combo box.

Create an action according to the information in the Action properties topic.