Related application installation

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The Properties includes the Installations tab which presents information about detected application installations that are associated with the edited license:



Double-clicking the selected installation or selecting the Properties button a window with detailed information of this installation will be displayed:



This function is described in app instances chapter.

Assignment to installations

A switch is available at the top of the installation tab window that allows you to automatically assign licenses to new detected installations. Turning it on will automatically add more items to the list of installations once they are detected.


Adding instances

If the automatic license assignment is enabled, new items will appear once the installations are detected. To manually add an installation associated with the license application, click the Assign installation button and select an item from the list:



Removing instances

To remove the installation associated with the license application, select the item from the list and click the button Unassign installation.

If automatic license assignment is enabled, the deleted item may return to the installation list despite deletion.


Installation serial number

To assign a serial number to the installation, select an item from the list and then click the Assign Serial Number button.

Installations with the same serial number can be configured for using only one license. More information is described in licensing methods chapter.