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Local directory monitoring settings can be defined for Atlas (all users), user groups and for individual users. They can be accessed from several locations:

1.Window: Users / Atlas / DataGuard  / Audited directories:


2.Window: Group information / DataGuard / Audited directories

3.Window User information / DataGuard / Audited directories

Atlas is a general setting that is inherited by groups and users by default. This setting can be changed for individual units by going to the settings windows mentioned above.

To add a directory in which file operations are to be monitored, click the Add button. A new window will open to create an entry. The rule name and directory path should be specified there. The directory path can be given:

In absolute form, starting with a drive letter (for example "C: \") and ending with the full name of the directory of audited directory

In a form containing an environment variable that begins and ends with the character "%". A variable can appear anywhere in the path and replace any part of it. For example, if "% USER-PROFILE%" is "C: \ Users", you can add "% USERPROFILE% \ Data \" as the monitored directory.

Each added audited directory automatically causes that its entire content is audited (including sub-directories and files).

Once the rules are added, it will be possible to monitor file operations in a specific directory:



Default directories excluded from scanning

The DataGuard module has a list of built-in directories that are always excluded from system-wide scanning. The list of globally excluded directories is built into the program and cannot be edited.

The list of excluded directories is visible in the DataGuard settings:
