Managing actions

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To setup nVision so that it notifies you, you have first to define all possible notification actions you would like to use. The following topics provide more information on how to manage actions:

Opening action management window

With this window you can list, modify, create and remove actions. To open this window, select Tools / Manage actions from the main menu.

Creating new action or modifying existing one

1.Open the action management window.

2.Click the 11_img2 Add action button to create a new action or select an existing one and click the 11_img3 Edit action button. The Action definition wizard will open.

3.If you are creating a new action, then enter its name in the Action name field and select the action type on the list. Click the Next button, To read more about action types, refer to the Action types topic.

4.Configure the action options (depending on the action type you selected). This is described in detail in the topic Defining action properties.

5.At this point it may be necessary to define action setup options. These options are required to properly execute some actions (for example the program needs a mail server address to send an e-mail notification or a COM port to which the GSM is connected). Setting up the action is discussed in the topic Setting up actions.

6.If all options are configured you can test the action by clicking the Test button. This will perform the action and you can verify if it is properly defined and working.

7.Click the Finish button.