Managing events

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To setup alerting, first you have to define all problematic situations when an alert is to be raised.

Opening event management window

With this window you can list, modify, create and remove events. To open this window, select the Tools and options tab, and then select Manage events from the main menu.

Creating new event

1.Open the event management window.

2.Click the 11_img2 Add event button located in the toolbar. The Event definition wizard will open.

3.Enter the name of the event you would like to create in the Event name field.

4.Select the host status for this event in the Host status field. This field determines the status of the host when the event is raised  Read more about host status in the topic Events.

5.Select the severity of the event in the Severity field. This field is for informational purposes and it helps creating reports.

6.Select the event type on the list. To read more about event types, please read Event types topic.

7.Click the Next button,

8.Now you have to configure the event options (depending on the event type you selected). This is described in detail in the topic Defining event properties.

9.Click the Finish button.

Modifying existing event

1.Open the event management window.

2.Select the existing event and click the 11_img3 Edit event button. The Event definition wizard will open.

3.Now you have to configure the event options (depending on the event type you selected). This is described in detail in the topic Defining event properties.

4.Click the Finish button.