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The map is a graphical representation of your network or a part of it. The map can contain icons, links between them and three types of static objects available for your convenience: shape, picture and text. The full list of map objects is described in the Map objects topic.

There are three map types: network, routing and custom - described in the Map types topic.


All map objects (except text) use the style mechanism. Style determines how the object is presented. For example it defines colors, fonts, frames, etc. To change the object appearance you have to select its style while defining object properties.

All new objects are created with default style. Default style means that the object will use the default map style. The default map style can be set to any specific style or to atlas default style. Atlas always has a default style selected. When you start the program for the first time, all objects will use those atlas default styles. You can adjust styles later. To read more about styles, refer to the Managing styles topic.