Monitoring settings

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Unlike in nVision 9 (where settings were saved as a set of rules, i.e. in Agent profiles), the latest version of Axence nVision 10 configures the user monitoring and website and application blocking settings on user groups.

It is properties where the Administrator should configure the monitoring options as user accounts inherit their settings. Of course, each user account may be assigned to more than one group. If this is the case, the effective monitoring settings are applied in accordance with the principles described below.

The basic carriers of monitoring settings in the latest version of nVision are: Atlas, User groups, and user account.


hmtoggle_plus0 Atlas – default settings

hmtoggle_plus0 User groups

hmtoggle_plus0 User


The introduction of the new model of monitoring settings allows the application of the intuitive way of aggregating settings which results from the fact that the specific user account belongs to multiple groups (the account will be covered by all exceptions from the groups it belongs to).

A completely new approach to the management of monitoring settings indicates that group settings cannot be used to increase the rights, but only to limit them. This allows the use of the good practice of using Axence nVision 10 – building transparent network monitoring rules.
For example: enabling the work time and application usage monitoring on a global level, and then disabling this setting by way of exceptions at the user group level.