Printing costs

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Printout monitoring allows the costs borne in relation to document printing to be discovered. To ensure the proper cost assessment, configure the expenses, including the costs of paper and printing on specific printers.


To configure the printing costs:

1.Select Configure printing costs in the menu bar (in the Main page). You can also do this from the level of the Printout audit window by means of the appropriate button. In both cases the Configure print cost window will open.

2.In the Paper cost tab specify the costs for paper formats (A3, A4, A5, envelope). The cost specified in the Default cell will be used for all formats for which the specific cost is not determined.



3.In the Printing cost tab specify the printing costs for specific printers. You can also specify different costs for black and white and color printouts or use default values. If the printer does not have a color mode, right-click to mark the appropriate option.



4.To retrieve the default value of a field in both tabs, right click the field and select the option Set cell value as default.

Printing cost audit

Printing costs are displayed in the last column of the Printout audit window. At the bottom, the total printing cost for the given period is also specified.