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Axence nVision® includes very advanced, printable reports. There are several predefined reports, providing the most important information for every host and map. You can also easily create your own reports: read more in the Creating reports topic.

Opening the report management window

Click the Reports button located in the navigation bar. This will open the report management window allowing you to view, print and create new reports.

nVision has several pre-defined basic reports. The administrator can also create their own reports, depending on their needs.

Viewing and printing reports

To prepare a report for a host, map, user or group:

1.Select report type. There are different report types defined for a host, map, user and group.

2.Select a host/user or a map/group (depending on the choice you made in the previous step).

3.Select the report on the left side bar.

4.Select the time period of the report.

5.Click the Prepare and show report button. This button is displayed only when this report has never been prepared. Once it is ready, it will show automatically when you define the same options. It may only need an update if the data has changed (i.e. if the report included the current day).

6.After the report is prepared, you can print it by clicking the Print button located on the report toolbar.