Segment types for user reports

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The following chapter describes the types of segments in user reports and their properties (if necessary).

User monitoring

10_img21 User activity

Presents general information about the user’s work time. The user activity report can be displayed as a separate segment for each user or as an overview list.

10_img21 Visited websites

Presents a list of websites visited by users on a host. You may narrow down the list to websites that match a given mask.

10_img21 Websites ranking

Shows a ranking of visited websites with the possibility to limit the list to x first websites. Data may be sorted by the total time or the number of visits.

10_img21 Breaks in work time

Presents a list of breaks in work time for the selected host.

10_img21 Application usage timeline

Presents the timeline of application usage by users.

10_img21 Summary application usage

Presents the summary application usage for the selected Map/Atlas or host.

10_img21 Bandwidth usage




What type of information will be presented:

Map / Atlas summary

Host details

Users ranking

Hosts ranking

Sort by

Data may be sorted according to connections:

with Internet, in

with Internet, out

local, in

local, out

Ranking settings

In order to obtain information about groups of protocols select option Show protocol groups details.

10_img21 List of e-mails

Presents a list of e-mails sent or received by users.

10_img21 Summary of e-mails

Presents summary information about e-mails. E-mails can be sorted by sent, received and size.

10_img21 Printout audit

Presents information about printed documents: not grouped or grouped by user, host or printer, sorted in the selected way.

10_img21 Printing costs

This segment shows information about print cost.

10_img21User configuration

Presents the monitoring or blocking configuration for the user.


10_img35DataGuard access rights

Presents the information about access rights to DataGuard devices.