Group information

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After selecting an item from the list of groups, you can go to detailed information. The following tabs are available there:

Employees – a list of employees belonging to the group or subgroup (see the “relationship within the group” column),

Belongs to – information about the parent group that the currently viewed group belongs to (this item is not displayed if the selected group does not belong to any other group),

Subgroups – information about the subgroups of the currently viewed group,

Application exceptions – provides information on whether or not any exceptions are defined for this group. The list of exceptions only includes the applications in which the members of the selected group were active. This tab also allows you to add exceptions for these applications.




After clicking the View productivity button, the application will take you to the page where the information on the productivity of the group as a whole and of individual members is displayed.


The View applications button displays the application settings for the selected group. The list will show only the applications in which the members of the selected group were active.



If the group manager does not have access to the data of this group enabled, the appropriate notification will be displayed (see the screenshot above).