Working with maps

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This topic describes all tools required to work with a map.


The tools are available on the map toolbar located usually at the left side of the map window (the map toolbar may be moved to any map edge). The tools allow you to select objects on the map, link icons and create background objects like shapes, pictures and texts.

Tool – selection

Selection is the default tool. It allows you to select objects on a map, drag them, arrange them and perform specific actions like opening the host status window or properties window.

To use the selection tool, click the 04_img1 icon in the map toolbar. This tool will be active until you select any other tool.

Tool – linking icons

The linking icons tool allows you to link icons together – i.e. draw graphical connections between host icons on the map.

1.To use the linking icons tool, click the 04_img2 icon in the map toolbar. This tool will be active until you select any other tool.

2.To link two icons, just click them in succession, i.e.:

Click one of the icons you want to link. The link line will appear indicating that now you have to click the next icon to link.

Click the next icon. The link will be created between those two icons.

3.Now, you can repeat steps 2-3 to link another icon pair.

Toolcreating shapes

This tool allows creating different shapes on the map (background graphical objectsrectangles, ellipses, etc.).

1.Click the 04_img3 tool icon in the map toolbar. This tool will be active until you create a shape. Then the active tool will change back to selection.

2.Click and hold the left mouse button in the place where you want to have the top-left corner of the shape and drag the cursor to the place where the bottom-right corner should be. Release the button.

Toolcreating pictures

This tool allows creating pictures on the map. After creating a picture, you have to set it up by selecting the graphics file to be shown.

1.Click the 04_img4 tool icon in the map toolbar. This tool will be active until you create a picture. Then the active tool will change back to selection.

2.Click and hold the left mouse button in the place where you want to have the picture’s top-left corner and drag the cursor to the place where bottom-right corner should be. Release the button.

3.The picture properties window will show. You have to select the image file now and set options to properly create the picture.

Toolcreating texts

This tool allows creating texts on the map. After creating a text, you have to set it up by selecting the font and entering the text to be shown.

1.Click the 04_img5 tool icon in the map toolbar. This tool will be active until you create a text. Then the active tool will change back to selection.

2.Click the place where you want to have the text.

3.The text properties window will show. You have to enter the text now and set options to properly create the text.

Tool - Grid aligning icons

This tool allows you to precisely arrange icons on the network map, as well as align icons on the network map according to the grid. To align icons on the network map:

1.Click on the network map grid icon on the map toolbar.

2.In the window that opens, click the Yes button.

The icons on the network map will be aligned to the closest waypoint on the grid. It will also display a grid on the map (dots representing grid landmarks).

To disable the display of the grid, click the above icon again.

Working with map objects

Copying objects to other map

1.Select the object or objects.

2.Select Copy To... from the context menu.
The map selection window will open.

3.Select the map to which the selected object(s) will be copied.

Deleting objects

1.Select the object or objects.

2.Select Delete from the context menu.

Changing the order of objects (bring to front / send back)

You can change the order of objects of the same type – the way they are painted and how they overlap. The precedence of different type objects is fixed (refer to the Map objects topic for more information).

To show the object above any other object, select Position / Bring to front from the object context menu.

To put the object under all other objects, select Position / Send back from the object context menu.

Other operations

Automatic map arrangement

There are two ways to arrange your map automatically: using the map arrangement function and using the map layout assistant.

Arrange all

This function is best for a network or custom map, especially if hosts are not linked together. It just places icons in several rows.

1.Click the 04_img6 icon located in the map toolbar and select Arrange all from the menu.

2.Select how you would like to arrange the map and click OK.

By selecting Connections from port mapper option, the icons will be linked automatically with switches they are connected with (in order to enable this function, the monitoring switch ports must be enabled at switch icon’s properties).

Arrange linked hosts

To arrange a routing map (or any other map where all hosts are linked) properly, the icons may not be just placed in rows since such arrangement will produce unreadable map with all icon links crossing each other. Thus, you need to use the Arrange linked hosts option, which will arrange the whole map to avoid crossings and make the whole map readable as much as possible.

1.Click the arrow at the 04_img6 icon located in the map toolbar and select Arrange linked hosts from the menu.

2.The option will be turned on and arranging the map will begin. You can interact with the arrangement process to adjust it to your needs. You can move icons and add/remove links between them.

Zoomchanging a map scale

You can adjust the scale in which the map is presented. The default scale is 100% and you can set this scale anytime by the clicking 1:1 icon.

Zoom in

To enlarge the map, click the 04_img8 icon.

Zoom out

To reduce the map, click the 04_img9 icon.

Zoom to fit

To have the map scale adjusted automatically so it adapts to the map size, click the FIT icon. nVision will try to show the whole map at the biggest possible scale.

Locking the map

If the map arrangement is finished and you want to make sure that something will not be changed by mistake, you can lock the map by clicking the Edit map switch in the upper right corner of the window. Objects cannot be moved or resized on the locked map, but you can still edit host properties.