SLA metric validity time |
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Note: All mechanisms described below are based on the time zone set on the server where the Axence nVision® application is installed. The HelpDesk system does not allow any time zone, other than the local time of the server (with Axence nVision®), to be indicated. It is also not possible to set different time zones for specific users.
Each SLA metric allows one of the two options to be selected during its creation: •Metric valid without interruptions (All day, all week). •Metric valid only in specified intervals (Defined days of the week and times of the day): oValidity hours can be defined separately for each day of the week (from Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week can have one time span (e.g. 09:00 to 17:00) or none (for days off work). Defining more than one time span for a given day of the week is not possible (e.g. Monday from 08:00 to 11:00, and then from 13:00 to 16:00). oA metric with the time span defined in such a manner is considered to be active in hours outside of the specified range, even though its time counter is not running during such periods. Example: A metric is valid from 08:00 to 16:00. The metric requires the ticket to be solved within one hour. The ticket covered by the metric appears at 15:30 and no-one starts to work on the ticket. At 15:31 the metric is running, with 59 minutes left. At 16:01 the metric is running, with 30 minutes left. At 07:59 on the next day, the metric is running, with 30 minutes left. At 08:15 on the next day, the metric is running, with 15 minutes left. At 08:30 on the next day, the metric is exceeded.
When creating the SLA metric, along with the definition of the validity hours, you can also determine whether the metric should stop on days configured as days off work.
Calendar of days off work If the selected metric is defined as bound by the calendar of days off work, it stops for the days which are indicated in such a calendar. Each day off overrides the metric validity hours which are specified in its configuration. The calendar of days of work can be configured during the creation of SLA metrics. •A day off work shall be considered as a specific day of a specific month and of a specific year, starting on 00:00 (inclusively) and lasting until the hour of time quantum prior to 00:00 on the next day, according to the server time where the Axence nVision® application is installed. •Persons authorized to edit the days off work are solely the users with the Administrator role; only days which have not started yet can be edited. If a day off has already started, there is no way to cancel its definition. •Days off work can be defined only as single days (it is not possible to specify a range of dates, e.g. “December 24-26, 2017”). •Defining cyclical days off is not possible. •The calendar of days off work is shared by all SLA metric definitions.