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This tool is a replacement of the standard Windows NetStat command-line utility. It displays all the inbound and outbound connections to your computer and lists all open ports. Additionally, NetStat maps open ports and established connections to the owning application.


To start monitoring connections

1.Select ToolLocalInfo Local info tool on the navigation bar.
2.Select NetStat task on the sidebar.



Information provided


In the main grid you can see all inbound and outbound connections listed. You can see process ID along with the process name, protocol and connection state, local and remote IP address/port.


When adding a new connection, NetStat colorizes it in green to indicate a new connection. Similarly, deleted connections are colorized in red, and then removed from the grid.




You may change refresh time. Just enter the desired values in the Options section on the sidebar. You can also change colorization time.

The grid may be grouped and filtered. To group it just select the appropriate grouping option from the Visualization sidebar. To filter the data, use the arrows next to each column header.






UDP connections have no state and local IP listed because of their nature.
To copy the remote IP address or remote DNS name to clipboard, right click the given line in the table and select the appropriate option from the pop-up menu.