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Trace tool allows you to check the connection to a host. In case of problems, you can see which hop is  causing the problem. Trace shows response time and packet loss rate to each host on a route, so you can quickly locate the problematic one. In the bottom part of the window, a visual map of subsequent hosts along the packet route is displayed.


To start traceroute to a host


1.Select ToolTrace Trace tool on the navigation bar.
2.Enter host DNS name or IP address in the address bar.
3.Click Trace button or press Enter.


Information provided


General information about each hop is available in the main grid: hop number, DNS name and IP address, response times (min/max/avg), and number of packets sent and lost.


There is also total number of traces performed available in the Options Section on the sidebar.




You can change trace frequency, timeout value and number of hops (TTL - time to live). With hops, you specify the maximum number of hosts to check. To change options, just enter the desired values in the Options section on the sidebar.


You can copy the name or IP of the host to clipboard. Just right click the selected host in the grid or a host name on the address bar and select Copy IP address or Copy DNS Name from the popup menu.


You can easily open any address from the table in any other netTools utility by selecting Tools and one of the options: Add to NetWatch, Lookup, Link usage from the pop-up menu.




To export the table with device data, select Export in the pop-up menu. Then choose one of the formats: html, xml, txt, xls.

To export the map in bmp format, select export_icon, enter the file name and Save.






The name and IP address of the checked device is displayed on the right hand side of the address bar. It can be easily copied to the clipboard. Right click the field and select Copy IP address or Copy DNS name from the pop-up menu.
Next to the device name, the geographic location (country) of the remote IP address is presented.