Counter types

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There are several general groups of counters. The following list describes the Host availability and Counter groups. For more information about the Specific service test group, please refer to the Monitoring mail and web server topic.

Host availability

Host status

This counter stores the host status for reporting purposes. It is a built-in counter and cannot be removed.


SNMP counter

You can measure any SNMP counter with a numeric value format. The program may also read the whole table column and log min/max/avg/sum of its cell values.

Windows counter

You can measure any Windows counter with numeric value format. Windows provides system and application counters. So it allows monitoring the system itself as well as programs like SQL Server or Exchange Server.

Host specific counters

Some events have all the information required to check them already defined, including host address. Such events are called host specific. In general, all events of the Specific service test type are host specific.