HTTPS access |
Requirements: •An up-to-date certificate issued for the domain, where the HelpDesk is available, is a necessary prerequisite. •The certificate must include a private key: •The certificate must be installed in the personal certificate store of the server where Axence nVision® is installed (System Certificate Store / Local Machine / Personal). A certificate installed in the user store cannot be used to configure encrypted access to the HelpDesk.
To configure secure access to the HelpDesk, navigate to nVision and remote access settings in the menu: Tools / Options / Remote web access. After the certificate has been specified, the URL address of the HelpDesk will be automatically changed to https://FQDN:port – you have to configure FQDN to suit it to the actual DNS name (for which the certificate was issued) – preferably then copy the URL and see if it opens in the browser. If the test pass with success, then you can accept the Options window by clicking [OK] button and the URL will be sent to Agents.