Closed ticket reports

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Reports are generated for tickets which have already completed the processing (available in read-only form – cannot be edited). Reports of this group enable the control of ticket handling quality (for specific days, months, by individual technical support employees).

The reports are archival and unchangeable. Re-generation of a report with the same arguments will always produce the same results.


Reported data:

Response time – time from ticket creation to the first public comment by a user with “administrator” or “technical support” role.

Work time – duration of work on the ticket, entered by a technical support employee.

Average number of comments from requester – number of comments authored by the requester divided by the total number of tickets.

The total time average and comment average is a weighted value: (number of objects in a row * row value)/total number of objects.


Types of closed ticket reports (click the report name to expand the description):

Closed tickets by days


Closed tickets by weeks


Closed tickets by months


Closed tickets by assignees


Closed tickets by priorities


Closed tickets by categories


Closed tickets by departments