Report generation

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There are 32 types of HelpDesk module reports, covering the most common scenarios allowing statements to be generated for:


Closed tickets:

Closed tickets by days

Closed tickets by weeks

Closed tickets by months

Closed tickets by assignees

Closed tickets by priorities

Closed tickets by categories

Closed tickets by departments

Activity and ticket response time:

Response time by days

Response time by weeks

Response time by months

Summary - number of events

User activity in tickets

First response time by users

Unclosed tickets reports:

Unclosed tickets summary

Unclosed tickets by assignees

Unclosed tickets by priorities

Unclosed tickets by categories

Unclosed tickets by departments

SLA reports:

Closed tickets under SLA reports:

Closed tickets under SLA summary

Closed tickets under SLA by days

Closed tickets under SLA by weeks

Closed tickets under SLA by months

Closed tickets under SLA by assignees

Closed tickets under SLA by departments

SLA metric course reports:

SLA metric course summary

SLA metric course by days

SLA metric course by weeks

SLA metric course by months

SLA metric course by assignees

SLA metric course by departments

SLA metric violation reports:

SLA violations by metric violation date

SLA violations by ticket closure date


To generate a report:

1.Log in to the HelpDesk interface as the Administrator, navigate to the Reports view.

2.Select a report group, click the report type name.

3.In report wizard, specify the preconditions (arguments), range and the form in which the results are to be presented.

4.The generated report can be exported to CSV or XLS.


Tickets reports

Closed ticket reports are generated for tickets which have already completed the processing (in read-only form – cannot be edited). Reports of this group enable the control of ticket handling quality (for specific days, months, by individual technical support employees).

The reports are archival and unchangeable. Re-generation of a report with the same arguments will always produce the same results.


Activity and ticket response time reports summarize the total number of system events in a given period. Reports from this group offer information about the data volumes processed by the system.

The reports are archival and unchangeable. Re-generation of a report with the same arguments will always produce the same results.


Unclosed tickets reports show data on tickets currently being processed in the system. Reports from this group offer information about the current system status, e.g. the current number of tickets.

The reports work as views – re-generation of the report can produce different results each time.


SLA metric reports

Closed tickets under SLA reports display the statistics of closed tickets processed under SLA metrics. This group of reports enables the investigation into how the service level agreement provisions were fulfilled.

The reports are archival. Re-generation of a report with the same arguments will always produce the same results.


SLA metric course reports display the events that occurred during the SLA metric run. The purpose of this group of reports is to monitor the tasks executed under the service level agreement.


SLA violation reports display the tickets with a violated SLA metric. The purpose of this group of reports is to investigate the incidents of service level agreement breaches.


Dates in reports pertain to the local time of the machine where the Axence nVision® Server (HelpDesk service) is installed.