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Details of used license are displayed after clicking Axence nVision in the window’s ribbon.


In order to enter the license key, click Change license. The following window will be displayed:



By clicking on Yes button, you will remove the currently installed license key, and the Axence account login window will be displayed (data gathered in monitoring and nVision’s configuration will be kept).

In the license-selection window, click the I want to use my own Axence nVision® license option, then click the Next button:



Free version activation:

In order to activate free license, you have to select I want to get free license for Axence nVision® option, even if the free license has been created before.


If there is no active Internet connection (Axence nVision service cannot connect to the activation server), follow the onscreen instructions:

hmtoggle_plus0 Online activation

hmtoggle_plus0 Offline activation