Inventory module widgets

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Recent changes in hardware configuration

The widget makes it possible to view a table with changes in the hardware configuration for a selected group of devices.

The configuration requires the selection of the map or department for which the data on changes in hard-ware configuration are to be shown. You can also define which machine components are to be included in this summary:



The screenshot below shows an example of the widget:



Recent changes in software configuration

The widget makes it possible to view a table with changes in the software configuration for a selected group of devices.

The configuration requires the selection of the map or department for which the data on changes in the configuration are to be shown. In addition, you can also define which operations are to be visible (instal-lation, uninstallation, installation or uninstallation) and indicate the type of applications to be included in the summary (audited, unaudited, all applications):




The screenshot below shows an example of the widget:



Recent events on assets

The widget makes it possible to view a table with the events associated with assets (Assets / Events in the nVision console).

The configuration requires the selection of the map or department for which the data on asset events are to be shown.




The screenshot below shows an example of the widget:
