Anonymous ticket - restricted access

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Since the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the regulation of the legal status of the so-called whistleblowers applies, it is the primary responsibility of the employer to ensure the protection of the whistleblower’s identity and to organize the process of receiving and processing tickets in a safe manner. Axence nVision® software includes tools that allow these requirements to be met in one of the modules on the Helpdesk.


HelpDesk verifies on an ongoing basis that the user has access to a specific anonymous ticket. Access to an anonymous ticket can be granted from the ticket level by configuring the following fields: Reporter, Assignee or Observers (list of observers). If any change made to the ticket involves giving access to a user who has not previously had access to the anonymous ticket, the system will alert the user before the action is taken. The user who makes the change can read the message and decide whether they maintain their decision or maybe it is a mistake and the selected user should not be granted access to the anonymous ticket.




hmtoggle_plus1 Giving access - Reporter

hmtoggle_plus1 Giving access - Assignee

hmtoggle_plus1 Giving access - Observer


Note! Anonymous ticket access is not granted from the ticket level only. The comprehensive protection of access to an anonymous ticket also requires configuration in other sections of the HelpDesk module:

1.Ticket visibility

2.Ticket assignment




User roles in HelpDesk - restricting access to an anonymous ticket

In nVision, we distinguish between the user roles and the roles in the Ticket system (HelpDesk). These roles are linked to each other, e.g. only a user with the Administrator or Super Administrator role can act as the Administrator in the HelpDesk. Depending on the user role and the HelpDesk role configuration, the ability to restrict access to an anonymous ticket may be disabled - this is the case with the Super Administrator role whose rights (except for a few exceptions) cannot be restricted in the entire nVision system.


Characteristics of the roles in HelpDesk - from the point of view of anonymous tickets:

1.User - the user with this role can add new anonymous tickets (if the feature is enabled). By default, the user does not have access to the anonymous ticket they have created themselves.

2.HelpDesk Employee - the user with this role may be able to add new anonymous tickets and may also be designated to process anonymous tickets. To grant or restrict access to anonymous tickets, it is necessary to correctly configure the HelpDesk, including but not limited to the following sections:

- Ticket visibility

- Ticket assignment

- Automations

3.Administrator - the user with this role has unrestricted access to all HelpDesk sections. The Administrator cannot have his access to anonymous tickets disabled or restricted.


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