Creating an alert

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To learn more about the alert creation process, see section Alerting.

Discovering the connection of a mobile device

1.Open the alert management window in the main toolbar.

2.Click the 07_img30 Add alert button to create a new alert.

3.Click the New button in the alert definition window. Enter the event name and select the event type from the list: Mobile device connected or disconnected.



4.Click Next. Mark the Device is connected field and select the Specified device, e.g. Other USB data media from the list.

5.Then use the alert definition window to add actions to be performed when the event defined above occurs. Such a created alert will detect a situation when an unknown USB media is connected to the monitored computers.

File operation on device

Similarly, at step 3. choose event type: File operation on device and select desired configuration. There is a possibility to toggle generate an event for files in audited directories - selecting this option will include local directories audit in this alert configuration.
