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Axence nVision® DataGuard allows the management of data access rights and the protection of data. In particular, the application of data protection improves corporate security, prevents against infecting the corporate network with viruses distributed on flash drives and protects against data leaks.

Blocking ports and media

All devices and media considered as logical disks can be blocked, including:

flash drives,

portable hard disk drives,

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IrDA,

photo cameras and portable MP3 players, working in multimedia device mode – WPD,

floppy disk drives,

SD slots.

Managing access rights

Managing access rights can take place on different levels (atlas, map, Active Directory users, workstations). On each level, you can grant the appropriate rights related to the use of media and the rights to audit, read, write and execute files to specific users. Managing access rights by means of nVision facilitates the configuration of computer groups, and the authorization of corporate flash drives and hard disk drives and blocking private devices. For more information, see Access rights.