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The Documents tab allows you to add, display and delete documents related to the selected asset.

The documents associated with the selected asset will be visible in the table:



Adding new document

To add new document simply click the send files option. The window for adding a new document will be displayed:




Window is divided into two sections - document information section and document relations with assets.


Document information

The required fields are marked with ' * '.

File - select or drag a file to the selected place,

Name - the name of the document visible in nVision,

Document type - select one item from the list - adding new document types is described document categories chapter

Description - additional text fields describing the document,

Chapter - additional field to specify a branch.



To associate a document with an asset, click the Add button and select assets from the list


Document removal

To remove the document, click Delete button.

Please note that deleting a document from a selected asset results in complete removal of this document from nVision. A deleted document that was associated with other assets will no longer be visible in the nVision console, and the relation will be deleted.


Document edition

Added documents can be edited by double-clicking on the selected item or by clicking the Properties button.


Adding and deleting relations

To add or remove an asset link to a document, use the Add Relation and Delete Relation buttons. Then select an item from the list.


Alternative process for adding documents

You can also add Documents by using the "Assets" tab displayed in the main nVision window. At the bottom of the list in the documents section, click first the document type then the Send files button located at top window pane. A window for adding a new document will be opened:




Saving and opening of added document
Documents can be opened from nVision and saved if necessary. To perform such actions, use the Open or Save buttons.