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The Action tab allows you to add, display and remove activities performed on the selected asset. This allows to precisely describe the cost and activities carried out on individual assets.

Actions associated with the selected asset will be visible in the table:



Adding new action

To add a new action, select the Add action option. The window for adding a new action will be displayed:




Required fields are marked with ' * '.

Name - name of the activity selected from the list of activity templates. Clicking   addButton the button will open the window where new activity template cam be add,

Technician - select the user responsible for the selected activity,

Date of Execution - required field with 'date' format,

Execution time - select set hours or minutes for action execution

Cost - additional information field,

Change status to - status that will be set after adding the activity (multiple option to choose),

Description - additional text field


Removing actions

Select the action to be removed and press Remove button.


Editing actions

Added activities can be edited by double clicking on selected position and/or by clicking Properties button.

General activity configuration is described in the asset actions chapter.