Action templates

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The functionality of adding activities for an asset allows you to add, display and delete activities performed on a selected asset. You can precisely describe the cost and activities carried out on individual assets. Task templates allow the Administrator to define a series of actions that can be performed on an asset. Using templates, assigning activities to a resource takes a few seconds and gives the possibility of fast edition (e.g. cost) at the time of adding.


Adding new action

To add a new action, go to the Asset Settings and select Action Templates. Click Add template button, the window for adding new asset action template will open.

"Name" is the only required field. The Administrator can add costs or date of performance information. "Change status to" field will allow you to automatically change the asset status after adding the selected action to the asset

Adding actions to an asset is described asset actions chapter.


Built-in actions

nVision offers several built-in action types::


Internal repair,

External repair,


Software installation,

Component replacement,



Other action.


The Administrator can edit and remove items from the list of built-in actions (excluding the "Other action" item).