Global fields

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Global Fields tab in the Asset Settings window allows the Administrator to add additional fields to all types of assets. The Administrator can create his own global fields that will store data of the selected type. Global fields must have unique names. All created global fields are presented in tabular form:




Global fields allow you to add additional information about the resource and extend the possibilities of selecting assets from the list. For example: after adding the 'CustomGlobal' global field, an additional column will be created with the value set to this field. By clicking the filter icon in this column you can filter lists in every column:



Adding global field

To add a global field, go to the Asset settings / Global fields window and click Add. The new global field configuration window will open:



Once the fields are filled, confirm the configuration with the OK button.


Removing global field

To delete a global field, go to the Asset settings / Global fields window and select Delete.

Deleting a global field will affect all the values it posses being lost on all assets.


Built-in global fields

nVision offers several built-in global fields:

Warranty to,



Inventory number,

Serial number,

Last mobile save,

Last mobile scan,



Global fields marked as built-in cannot be deleted or edited.