Asset statuses

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Asset statuses tab allows adding additional asset distinction and categorization. Each asset must always have exactly one status set. The list of available statuses is available in the Asset settings / Asset statuses tab:



All statuses are presented on the asset lists so that it is possible to filter and sort by status (according to the order of statuses in the list):




Adding new asset status

To add a new status, go to the Asset settings and select Asset statuses. After clicking the Add button, the window for adding a new status will open.

Fields "Name" and "Color" are required. The Administrator can include additional information and determine whether the status should be the default for new resources.

Adding status to a n asset is described in the asset status chapter.


Removing asset status

To remove status, go to the Asset Settings window and select Asset Statuses. Status can be deleted by selecting it from the list and clicking Delete button. You must indicate a new status for assets that currently use the removed status.



Built-in statuses

nVision offers several built-in status types:

New (default for new resources);

In use;

In storage - operational;

In storage - broken;

In repair;

To be disposed;


